In addition to our CCCIP presentation at the 3rd Biennial INCCIP Conference, several individual members of CCCIP will also be presenting at the conference. Please see below for the speaking schedules for Jessica Reid, Martha Paynter, Louise Leonardi and Else Marie Knudsen.
[The CCCIP presentation is scheduled for Thursday September 30 at 4:00 pm Eastern time. Breakout Session 5, Track: General Track: Panel]
Wed September 29, 2021
10:30am -11:00am Eastern Time
Breakout Session 4, Track: [Child Wellbeing)
Jessica Reid, Canada.
“Navigating the Pandemic:
Discussion of Needs and Strategies Supporting Youth Affected by Parental Incarceration in Canada During COVID-19"
With Co Presenters: Emily Ager, Veronica Dymond, Sivanitharsan Vettivel, Tatiana Ambursley, Dana Campbell
Wed September 29, 2021
3:00pm -3:30pm Eastern Time
Breakout Session 4, Track: [ Panel],
Dr. Julie, Poehlmann-Tynan, Benjamin, Raikes, Jessica Reid, Juliana Horowitz, USA, UK, Canada, + Brazil.
"An International Perspective on Children's Video Visits With Their Incarcerated Parents"
4:00pm -4:30pm Eastern Time
Breakout Session 5, Track: [General Track I Workshops, & Seminars !Panel],
Martha Paynter, Canada.
"The Mother-Child Program in Canada's Prisons for Women"
Thurs September 30, 2021
10:30am-11:00am Eastern Time
Breakout Session 6, Track: [General Track] Panels, Workshops, & Seminars],
Louise Leonardi, Canada.
"A Family Approach to Children Affected by Incarceration"
3:00pm - 3:30pm Eastern Time
Breakout Session 3, Track: [Social Justice,& Policy + Advocacy. Panel]
Else Marie Knudsen, Canada.
"Building a Bridge to Child Welfare Systems: How to Connect to Local Agencies to Educate and Advocate Around Children"