Impact on Indigenous Parents and Children
A key priority for CCCIP is making connections between colonialism, the overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the criminal justice system and the ongoing impacts on Indigenous children now and in the future. The history of Indigenous people in Canada has had far reaching consequences in terms of the relationship between Indigenous people and governmental institutions and structures born out of colonialist administrations. CCCIP is working on an awareness campaign to bring these issues to light, to network with Indigenous organizations across the country, and to ensure the inclusion of all those with lived experience especially youth.
Advocacy and Education
The goals of CCCIP involve educating decision makers, government officials, organizations, and the general public about the impact of parental incarceration upon children. The Coalition strives to make the best interests of children a primary deliberation at all stages of decision-making within the criminal justice system in Canada by:
Consideration of the Best Interests of the Child in decisions
affecting parents before the courts, incarcerated, or completing their
sentences in the community -
Advocacy for increased funding and resources for children of incarcerated parents and their families (mental health, housing, trauma informed services, etc.)
Education about and advocacy for increased availability of healing services and alternatives to incarceration that provide safer environments for children
Youth Participation and Lived Experience
CCCIP values the sharing of knowledge and expertise that can only come from direct involvement with the system. It is the priority for this Coalition to reach out to children, youth, and families with lived experience in order to encourage, support and include their active participation in the Canadian Coalition for Children with Incarcerated Parents. CCCIP strives to be grounded by youth voice and those with lived experience. When making decisions CCCIP will consult with, and be informed and guided by, youth voice.
CCCIP seeks to establish a broad network of organizations with an interest in the issue of children of incarcerated parents across Canada and to make contact with other similar organizations and networks across the globe, to set up both informal and formal agreements of cooperation with them, to facilitate an exchange of information, organize joint events, and other mutually beneficial initiatives. CCCIP will also keep abreast of relevant international events and developments that support and protect children of incarcerated parents, and how they might impact the work of the Coalition.