Our Mission
CCCIP strives to work collaboratively across organizations and with individuals in Canada in order to strengthen the voice of children and youth and to raise awareness of the harmful impact of incarceration on children and families.
Our Vision
We envision a Canadian society that provides a safe and healthy environment for all children whose parents and family members are incarcerated, in conflict with the law, or have been or are involved with the justice system.
* CCCIP supports a comprehensive definition of the term “family” that encompasses UNCRC Article 5 which states that family includes “parents or, where applicable, the members of the extended family or community as provided for by local custom, legal guardians or other persons legally responsible for the child…”
The Canadian Coalition for Children with Incarcerated Parents (CCCIP) comprises a network of organizations and individuals and advocates for children’s rights and seeks to create standard safeguards that ensure the best interests of the child are a primary consideration in all decisions and at every stage of the justice system in Canada.
The goals of the CCCIP include the empowerment and education of children and their families. While we will work to elevate their voices at all levels of
decision making in the criminal justice system, we will strive to provide
support in order that children and families may advocate for themselves as
well. We recognize that reducing the experience of stigma and realizing
existing human rights is fundamental to children of incarcerated parents in
creating a world where children can thrive and be happy.
Our History
The concept of a Coalition for Children with Incarcerated Parents was introduced in January 2019 with a “Dialogue on Children of Incarcerated Parents”(pictured below) that took place at Friends House in Toronto. The dialogue brought together many people and organizations from all across Canada. The meeting provided an opportunity to come together and discuss this vital work, share knowledge and make connections across the country. At the end of the meeting, participants felt the need to sustain those connections with each other and the next step following this meeting was the formation of a Canadian Coalition for Children with Incarcerated Parents. It is primarily a space to share information and resources, to bring awareness to the situation of the children of incarcerated parents and the problems and challenges they face, and seek ways to make changes to improve their situation in Canada.
Read the report from the Dialogue on Children with Incarcerated Parents here.


Individual CCCIP Members:
The Coalition is supported by the above members ... the contents of this site do not necessarily represent the views of all Coalition members in every instance. All statements and press releases on this site reflect the views of Coalition members and others whose names are listed as having endorsed those specific statements and press releases.